Honor. Thank. Inspire. An Honor Flight Chicago Podcast

“Honor. Thank. Inspire.” is a podcast from Honor Flight Chicago where we sit down with our senior war heroes and hear — in their own words — their experiences in service to our nation. “Honor. Thank. Inspire.” captures living history via first-person accounts of war from the actual men and women who served and sacrificed.

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About our host

Paul Meincke is a veteran broadcast journalist who retired from full-time work in September 2015 after 43 years in the TV news business – 30 of them as a general assignment reporter for Chicago’s ABC7 News. Paul’s assignments have taken him to Saudi Arabia where he spent six weeks covering the first Gulf War, and later to Belgrade where he reported on the release of three captured U.S. Servicemen. Paul has done numerous stories on Chicago area veterans including those who’ve been part of Honor Flight Chicago, and now he’s privileged to serve on the board.

All Episodes


Episode 80: Ken Burmeister’s Healing Journey

Army E4 Ken Burmeister saw friends wounded and killed during his time in the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia. His post-war healing received a boost after a surprise reunion decades later with a wounded friend, and from his efforts to track down the student author of an anonymous letter he received on his Honor Flight Chicago trip.


Episode 77: Stuart Poticha and the M*A*S*H Era in Vietnam

Stuart Poticha's antics -- and those of his fellow doctors -- during Basic Training were tolerated only because "court-martialing a surgeon caused too much paperwork." But Stu could save lives. And the 12th Evac Hospital in Vietnam, where he was Chief of Surgery, did that better than anyone else.


Episode 76: Jerry Zabel’s Intelligence on the Art of War

Jerry Zabel was born in Munich, Germany, to a mother and father who barely survived Nazi concentration camps. Growing up, Jerry found his parents reluctant to talk about their experiences in WWII. When Vietnam broke out, Jerry's insatiable curiosity about the nature of war drove him to enlist—and soon the realities became all too real.


Episode 73: Bob Gatenby’s Vietnam Tale of Love and War

Robert Gatenby had just married his wife of 56 years, Diane, when his draft notice arrived. During his service in Vietnam, Bob experienced the darkest moments war can bring. To protect his wife and parents, however, Bob's steady stream of letters home never let on to the danger he faced.


Episode 71: Ken Molnaire and Patton’s Third Army

While Ken Molnaire was working as an usher at the Des Plaines Theater in 1941, news broke of the Japanese bombing at Pearl Harbor. The attack set into motion world events that would send Ken across the pond to Europe as an integral member of Patton's Third Army.


Episode 70: Our D.C. Guardians

In July of 2024, we celebrate the 11,000th senior war hero Honor Flight Chicago has brought to our nation's capital -- the most of any hub in the nation. How do we fly so many veterans while giving them all a personal 1-on-1 Guardian for the day? Our dedicated, selfless volunteers who live in the Washington D.C. area.