HFC Welcome Home Celebration at Midway Airport
Honor Flight Chicago flies more than 800 Senior War Veterans to Washington, DC each year during missions dedicated to honoring World War II, Korean, and Vietnam War Veterans living in the Chicagoland area. Our goal is to show these men and women that we have not forgotten the service and sacrifices they have made for the freedoms we enjoy today. An early morning departure from Midway Airport begins a day of remembrance and reminiscing for these Veterans who have waited many decades to see their memorials. In addition to seeing the Vietnam, Korean War and World War II Memorials, these Veterans will also visit the Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum and other memorials, as time and weather permit. The day’s adventure concludes back in Chicago with a Welcome Home Celebration where family and friends assemble at Midway Airport. As they await the plane’s arrival from Dulles Airport, they are joined by color guards, bagpipers, Scouts, motorcycle clubs, a brass band, and countless volunteers and active-duty military personnel. Met with balloons, signs and songs, these senior Veterans at last get the kind of “welcome home” they missed long ago.
Your help is needed to make this celebration even better!

An Honor Flight Chicago Patch Program for Scout and Youth Groups
This program has been developed by Honor Flight Chicago to help youth learn and embrace our core tenets of Honoring and Thanking America’s Senior War Veterans. It is our hope that by participation in this patch program, youth will also be Inspired by the actions of these American Heroes who served to protect our freedom. It is not affiliated with GSUSA, S-BSA, school districts, or any other organization. Participation is open to any interested Scout troop, youth group, or individual.