September 20 was the penultimate flight for our 2023 Honor Flight Chicago season with 116 veterans traveling to yet another gorgeous weather day in our nation’s capital. This 111th flight comprised one WWII, seven Korean War and 108 Vietnam War veterans receiving their long-awaited Day of Honor and Welcome Home.
Among these veterans were 21 that our attentive medical team identified as needing extra time and assistance to board the plane, the most such veterans we have traveled with in a long time. It is a testament to our volunteer corps that we are able to safely and comfortably serve these heroes whose physical challenges might otherwise prevent them from receiving this honor they so richly deserve.
We want to give special recognition to the “red shirts” aboard HFC111 for a response that occurred outside of the flight. As several of our medical guardians were in their cars departing Midway, they came upon a member of the airport parking staff who had suffered a medical emergency. Those guardians immediately abandoned their cars and ran to offer their assistance to those on the scene. Even after a nearly 24-hour day of travel and constant care and companionship, they did not hesitate to leap into action once more. This is a representation of the investment and kindness every one of our dedicated volunteers displays on a daily basis and we could not be more proud.
Aboard the flight itself, we were honored to fly our very first Tomb Guard! Joseph Varanauski served as a Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from September 1956 to July 1957. While our itineraries do not typically include a visit to Arlington and the Tomb due to our size and the timing of our day, we were deeply humbled to have this sacred American landmark represented on HFC111.
We have just one flight remaining in our 2023 season, which was cut short to six flights after weather thwarted our April mission. We are working diligently to fill the plane to the brim. Thank you to all of our new volunteers who joined our family this season and to all of our volunteers who have been with us for many, many years. Stay tuned for information on a post-season celebration as we already begin making plans for 2024.
See you next month!
Edna Ho and Doug Meffley
Directors, Honor Flight Chicago
“For starters, getting up at two-something in the morning was not something I wanted to do. However, after taking the trip, there was nothing to take out that would afford future travelers a little more (if any) sleep. Everything about this trip was carefully thought out and well executed. Plus, I experienced a full range of emotions and I’m one who is not easily moved by outside forces. Let me just say that we Veterans (regardless of age and/or service) owe all of you our thanks too. In Chicago as our Honor Flight ended, the crowd was fan-tas-tic. All the feelings that stayed with me since coming to Oakland from a year in Vietnam (almost 60 years ago) were erased. People said….”Thank you for your service” and really meant it. I think I shook more hands in one day than I did in 10 or more years. I could go on but the bottom line is simply…..Thank You. This was a great experience and I want to formally thank all of you. ”
— Vietnam Veteran George Koch

“We just got home. There are NO WORDS!!!! We both feel that thank you is not enough for all that Joe experienced today and his HOME COMING this evening. His Brother and sister in law And I were in total awe the moment we entered the Welcome home area. This evening deserves an Academy Award. This is what America should be !!! Parades, Flags, Balloons, Bagpipes Playing ,children waving flags RED, WHITE and BLUE. We are going to remember this day forever.Again from the bottom of our hearts, Thank you!”
— Rhonda Pesch, wife of Vietnam Veteran Joe Pesch

“It was great! We were blown away with the kindness of all people involved. My husband is so exhausted from this wonderful, caring trip. Glad we can appreciate these vets especially the Vietnam vets that didn’t get a warm welcome when they came home. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
— Wife of Vietnam Veteran Milan Stojkovic

“I had a wonderful trip and a wonderful day and it wouldn’t have happened without the many fine volunteers that made it happen.”
— Vietnam Veteran Dennis Bolsega

“I want you to know I will always remember September 20, 2023 and cherish that day. After 55 years of isolation I feel I don’t have to hide that I enlisted and volunteered for Vietnam thanks to people like you and ALL the volunteers online, in Chicago, Dulles Airport, and Washington. Wish I could thank each individually.”
— Vietnam Veteran Frank LoPresti