On a sultry day in D.C., 111 veterans comprising one WWII, eight Korean War, and 102 Vietnam War heroes dodged raindrops in Chicago to receive their long-deserved Day of Honor, Thanks, and Inspiration in our nation’s capital.
The oldest veteran aboard was actually the oldest Vietnam War veteran we have honored to-date: 97-year-old Air Force Captain (O-3) Rev. George Kane, who served from 1959-63 as a chaplain stationed at Kimpo in Korea and at Eglin AFB in Florida where he ministered and supported fighter pilots preparing for combat duty in Vietnam. Rev. Kane was quite the popular figure on this trip, as was our lone WWII Veteran, 96-year-old Army T/4 Henry Clark. He served from 1945-47 and drove diesel fuel trucks with the Occupation force in Germany.
Both were the focus of a tremendous Chicago Sun-Times article in the weekend leading up to HFC109.
We often see school groups or vacationing families with children approach our veterans to thank them for their service, and these interactions are often highlights of the day. This flight was no different when, at the Air Force Memorial, a group of visiting students got off a bus as we were exiting the Memorial and made a bee-line right for the “gray shirts,” unintentionally extending our time at that stop with their gratitude. Later, down on the Mall, young children actually boarded our buses to make an announcement of thanks over the PA systems before we continued on our itinerary!
Also striking from this flight has been the sheer number of calls and emails we have received from family members of the veterans in the afterglow of the experience. One such note from the wife of a veteran read in part:
“I want to thank everyone involved with the Honor Flight Chicago for giving my husband a most moving experience. He loved every second and cannot stop talking about it. As his wife I am eternally grateful as he has always suppressed his emotions about this time. I knew he needed recognition because he felt he didn’t do enough. He gets emotional when he thinks of all the guys who never came back and how blessed he was to have a family and full life. Again thank you, thank you for allowing him to be a part of this wonderful day.”
There’s a well-deserved six-week break between HFC109 and HFC110 in August. Enjoy the second half of summer and we’ll see you then!
Edna Ho and Doug Meffley
Directors, Honor Flight Chicago
“I cannot even use words to find the feelings I had on that trip. Because of your efforts, I am so humbled and so appreciative. It was a whirlwind excursion. You do a helluva job and I hope many many veterans can have the same experience that I did.”
— Vietnam Veteran Terry Quigley

“The entire Honor Flight team both in DC and Midway were just AMAZING! The entire day was planned perfect. It gave me chills and it was HEARTFELT every minute of the day. From the bottom of my heart I thank you to the entire Honor Flight Team.”
— Vietnam Veteran Scott Phillips

“Each and every moment of this trip has been cataloged in my memory, under the heading of “Not To Be Forgotten”. One of the most important and lasting segments of this privileged and honored trip … Having my son travel along my side/back as my “Guardian”. He covered my “Six”. That too, was very special. I am proud to have served this Nation, especially when there are so many grateful people, like the ones whom I have met and been surrounded by all day yesterday.”
— Vietnam Veteran Richard Wagner

“Where do I start? And where is the end of the long list of Thank You’s that should be shouted out to all those involved in putting this event together? The heartfelt care and kindness along with the tireless patience that everyone had with a group of thought forgotten group of GI’s from all branches of service was spectacular. The extra consideration for the soldier in the front seat being helped from his seat on the plane to a wheelchair by firefighter paramedics was heartwarming. Leave no man behind rang through my mind watching.”
— Vietnam Veteran Mike Masello

“The day was quite a blessing. It was very heartfelt. We all felt like we were the token of the moment. We felt very heroic on our parts, even though we don’t think we’re heroes. I haven’t had an ovation like this since the Chicago Vietnam Veterans parade (in the 80s). It was healing for all of us-the chance to congregate with each other and talk about how much it meant to us to receive all of the accolades. The day was very emotional. My gratitude is beyond reason. Everything we needed was right there for us. You and everyone involved did an A++ job! God bless you all.”
— Vietnam Veteran Norman Bowens

“I want to thank you so much for all you did for Ron for the Honor Flight July 12th. It was a most wonderful day for him and all of us, family and friends. He said it was a “Great Day”, and after we got home he said that between the reunion he went to and the Honor Flight he was able to find a little sense of peace about what he went through.”
— Wife of Veteran Ron Andrus

“Everything was excellent. It was a well oiled machine and unbelievable how well everything was run. Will never forget that day and the honor of sharing the day with my Dad and so many hero veterans. Thank You!”
— Vietnam Veteran James Hoder, Jr.

“I’m just coming down from the day now! The reception at the airport in the evening was a coup de grace to the day. It was such a grand time and something I’ll never forget. John Ptak did an excellent job. Thank you all very much.”
— Korean War Veteran James Hoder Sr.