HFC108 on Flag Day featured 119 veterans traveling to Washington, D.C., matching the most heroes Honor Flight Chicago has transported on a single flight. Eight Korean War, one Korean and Vietnam War, and 110 Vietnam War veterans comprised that total. This was our second-ever flight without a WWII veteran aboard, however we do have several scheduled to fly later this season!
With that many veterans to honor, we also packed the plane full of as many Guardians as physically possible. Our thanks to Southwest Airlines for allowing us to travel with four Employees as Guardians, including two who flew in “jump seats” to give us as much support for our veterans as possible.
This month’s flight was dedicated to the memory of longtime volunteer Jack Walsh, who passed away in 2022. Jack and his wife, Ellen, have been members of our volunteer family for years. Jack’s leadership and deep generosity — most recently as Welcome Home Coordinator, but also across many other areas of our organization including as a veteran interviewer and with Operation Locate a Hero in the community — have been instrumental in the success of our mission. We were thrilled to welcome Ellen aboard as a Guardian to represent their family on the flight.
In Washington, D.C., a special moment unfolded between a Vietnam Veteran and one of our longtime D.C.-area volunteers, who himself is a Marine Corps veteran. He shared on Facebook his perspective on the conversation and the impact it had on Veteran and Volunteer alike. We share this link to his post with you to highlight not only the impact you all have on our heroes, but also the impact that is possible in return.
HFC109 and more chances to change the lives of our heroes is coming up quickly. See you then!
“It was 40 years ago that I first heard ‘thank you for your service.’ And that was when I went to the VA for hearing aids. To go from being told not to wear our uniforms in the airport to the welcome we received everywhere. … well, that was pretty special.”
— Vietnam Veteran Jack Kuhn

“It was a long day, but well worth it! My favorite part was everyone who came out to greet us at the airports — especially at Midway. Didn’t realize that there would be that many people to come say thank you. Made it feel like all we vets did was worth it.”
— Vietnam Veteran Willie Floyd Smith

“To me it was a day beyond expectations. It started with Wayne Messmer and being greeted by smiling people at 3:30 am! The greeting at Midway was over the top. This is something every Veteran should experience. You all have a well-oiled machine that runs like clockwork. Great experience. Great job all the way around. I can’t applaud all of you enough.”
— Vietnam Veteran Russ Caforio

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! It was a major thing you all did for us, Just phenomenal. I felt very honored. Absolutely wonderful. I can’t see any way to improve on the day.”
— Vietnam Veteran Robert Daehnke

“This was the best day of my whole entire life! I can’t say enough. Everybody involved was just unbelievable. Beautiful. The Air & Space Museum was phenomenal. It’s the best thing anyone has ever done for me.”
— Vietnam Veteran Robert Evans

“It was emotional. A long but good day. I received so much help and support. When we got home there were people lined up all the way to the parking garage! Edna was everywhere, doing things for me that I didn’t even know I needed. She was great.”
— Vietnam Veteran Roger Hoffman

“You all have been just fantastic! The highlight was seeing my daughter who was my DC Guardian. It was a fabulous day–everything was just marvelous. You folks put on such a marvelous proposition. All of the people involved need all of the credit. Thank you!”
— Korean War Veteran James Mooney

“It was just wonderful! The most wonderful thing in my life. Thank you for everything you did. I couldn’t say enough. My niece was there in Washington and we got to spend the day together. Great job!”
— Korean War Veteran Terrence Shaughnessy

“What a wonderful experience. You did a marvelous job making all of us feel comfortable, welcome and appreciated. I was deeply moved by all the handshakes and ‘welcome home’ greetings that I received. Being in an environment where I was able to exchange stories and experiences with other people, who could truly relate, allowed me to unburden many thoughts and feelings that I have been suppressing for 50 some years. When I read my mail call letters the morning after the trip it actually brought tears to my eyes.
“This experience was very moving and emotional for me and I wanted to THANK YOU and the many, many other helpers and volunteers for giving me this life changing gift.”
— Vietnam Veteran Jack Leder