As the 113 veterans aboard HFC107 deplaned at Dulles International Airport shortly before 9:30 a.m. ET on May 10, Co-Director Doug Meffley commented to a veteran that we had landed a few minutes early. His smiling retort: “Well technically we’re about five weeks late.”
The first flight of the 2023 season did indeed push back from the gate April 5 on time, but before we could get airborne the weather took a turn for the worse and a FAA ground stop delay eventually led us to postpone the flight. Of the 111 veterans on board, 94 accepted our invitation to fly in May. The rest have accepted invitations for flights later this season. To those 94 heroes, we added 19 new invitees for a total of 113 comprising two WWII, 16 Korean War and 95 Vietnam War veterans.
Among that group was the 10,000th senior war hero Honor Flight Chicago has brought to our nation’s capital since our inception in 2008. We are extremely proud to be the first hub in the entire country to reach that milestone, but we are more proud in knowing that we have changed the lives of 10,000 individual veterans, their families, and their communities.
With more than 80 percent of the veterans on board having gone through the morning process at Midway the month before, we had an experienced and jovial crew on HFC107 last week. The weather could not have been more beautiful and the trip was as smooth as can be. Washington was full of students on end-of-the-year field trips, and our veterans were inundated with gratitude, handshakes and even some questions at our various stops.
Everything culminated in a spirited Welcome Home that capped a celebration that was – as the veteran stated in the morning – five weeks in the making. (One final note about our April false start: It did provide this beautiful moment where childhood friends reconnected after not seeing each other since 1960!)
Thank you to all of our volunteers who have made it possible to reach the 10,000 veteran milestone. YOU are the backbone of what we do!
HFC108 is scheduled for Flag Day next month. Plan accordingly! We’ll see you then.
“I had heard from other veterans that it would be memorable, but it really went beyond my expectations. I served my country, did my job, and returned home along with all the other service men and women. However, 50 years later, everyone on this trip made me feel special and not forgotten. The trip was only for one day, but it touched my heart and will be forever life changing.”
— Norman Lupescu

“It was one of the top things in my life! I had a heck of a time and I will recommend to everyone I meet to go. I can’t express the feeling when we got to Midway and the reception there! I was shaking so many hands, but I never got tired of it. You guys are top notch. The whole organization–you did such a good job. I was so (flippin) proud and happy 53 years later to be involved in this day. I can’t pay HFC back for all they did for all of us.”
— Ronald Gallman

“It blew my mind! All I can say is “WOW!” I must have shaken about 3 billion hands. It felt like I was in a parade at the (Midway) airport. It was so incredible. I can believe it. My Guardian was a good dude. And the end really got to me. My whole family was there! A very great day. Fantastic!”
— Rocky Revello

“The letter from my 12 yr old granddaughter, Maggie, just shook me; it was so beautiful. Chokes me up just to think about it. I just hope a lot of people can experience the flight. It’s really something. It’s better than advertised!”
— John Ptak, Sr.

“One day a bum, the next a hero – it was overwhelming!”
— Anthony Conniff

“I must admit that the ‘mail call’ on the plane brought me to the edge of tears but the reception at the airport put me over the edge. Again I thank you for an unforgettable day.”
— Tom Law