Our 104th flight last week began with a bugle call from honored veteran John Carson at the gate. The celebration continued throughout the day for John and 110 other senior war heroes before building to a crescendo at a terrific Welcome Home. Thank you to each and every volunteer who played a role in changing the lives of four WWII, 10 Korean War and 97 Vietnam War veterans on August 24.
This fifth flight of our seven scheduled in 2022 featured a special performance by the Air Force Drill Team at the Air Force Memorial. John Carson then reprised his bugler role alongside our regular bugler, Richard Pasciuto, to sound Echo Taps at our WWII Memorial ceremony. It was such a great day that the flight home actually arrived a few minutes early!
We were thrilled to be joined by four executives representing our partner for all 104 of our flights: Southwest Airlines. All four served as Guardians for the day and got to see firsthand everything that goes into honoring our heroes aboard their chartered aircraft. They were blown away by the effectiveness and efficiency of our volunteers in executing our mission. Well done!
One of our favorite bits of feedback we received immediately after the flight came courtesy of Vietnam Veteran Joseph Pietro. He said in part “If you say you can’t thank me enough, I’d say it was a really nice try.” This puts into words quite succinctly how our veterans feel when all they hear from pre-dawn to post-flight are the phrases “Thank You” and “Welcome Home” delivered with a sincerity the veterans have not experienced before.
We are in the final stretch of our first full season since 2019 with just two flights remaining. When all is said and done, we will have honored nearly 800 more senior veterans this year. We know the time commitment and effort required to put on a full season post-pandemic – and with a larger plane than ever before – are significant. We join our Board of Directors in thanking each and every one of our volunteers for putting their whole hearts into this mission, and we look forward to a strong finish to the year!
See you next month!
Edna Ho and Doug Meffley
Directors, Honor Flight Chicago
“I never saw so many smiles and Thank yous given honestly and gratefully, and all directed at me. Truly heartwarming. The welcome home at Midway was just icing on a great cake and brought me to tears for the 43rd or so time in one day. The cheering throngs were just unbelievable.”
— Vietnam Army Veteran James Krock

“It was one of the greatest days of my life! Everyone was perfect. My new best friend I sat next to I found out lives a mile from me and sees me playing pickleball when he’s walking his dog. We’re going to go to lunch soon! It restored my confidence in America. That was my top takeaway. It was really nice. The America you dream about.”
— Vietnam Army Veteran Joseph Pietro

“I come from a family where all the men joined the Navy, so I did. This kind of thank you I received Wednesday is so appreciated. Every volunteer I met treated me with such respect. My companion in Washington was excellent and we spent a very nice day together. For sure, I met some cool fellow Veterans and shared some secrets. I am reading the letters received at Mail Call right now and I am crying just like I did on the Plane ride back to Chicago.”
— Vietnam Navy Veteran John Carson

“Please pass on a ‘thank you’ to all the volunteers from the Honor Flight! It was so impressive and memorable. These Vets finally got the recognition that they deserved and should have received when they returned from Vietnam. We are so grateful to all of you. Thank you and God Bless You.”
— Vietnam Army Veteran Ronald Kulpinski

“There are no words to adequately describe the rush of emotion when we exited the plane and were greeted by crowds of happy, smiling faces bidding us ‘Welcome Home’ at BOTH airports. It sucked the air out of our lungs and replaced it with joy. By nature, we are a stalwart bunch, but even mountains can be worn down. This flight gave us all the opportunity to be born again into a new life. Didn’t hear one complaint from anyone, although one fellow remarked ‘I didn’t think anyone cared.’ He, and all the rest of us, have taken the first step on the remainder of our journey, revitalized and refreshed. Thank you and all the other ‘angels who walk among us’ at Honor Flight Chicago for providing a once in a lifetime experience for seasoned veterans who asked nothing more than a sincere ‘Welcome Home.’ We will never forget your kindness and generosity.”
— Vietnam Army Veteran Paul Dytrych

“I’m still floating on air! I had no idea it would be that good! Everything was so well organized. In thinking how you could improve anything, I don’t think it’s possible. Everyone was so nice to me. I met a couple of new friends who I want to connect with. The Marine Corps Memorial was one highlight for me. We had water and drinks whenever we wanted them. Arriving at Midway was incredible. I had a cadet escort me through the parade, Emma, and she was wonderful. I must have shaken 150 hands that day. Unbelievable. I will tell every Veteran I meet about Honor Flight Chicago and encourage them to apply.”
— Vietnam Navy Veteran Edward Regester

“I’ve never been treated so well and had a better time with a group of people in my life. Not one crabby person in the bunch. When I returned home from Vietnam I wasn’t harassed at the airport but instead totally ignored. When I got home I just erased my time in the Army in my mind, which was sad because I had many good experiences. It wasn’t till the grandkids started asking me about the Army did I start talking about the whole experience. I can honestly say that Honor Flight Chicago has given me total closure after 50+ years.”
— Vietnam Army Veteran John Janson

“It was wonderful — the whole thing. I never expected the outpouring of gratitude from so many people. They took good care of me. I saw the loss in the Vietnam War from a different perspective after seeing the rows upon rows of names.”
— Vietnam Marine Corps Veteran Terry Abney