Jerry Zabel: ‘My Way of Paying Back America’


Jerry Zabel was born in 1947 just outside of Munich, Germany. His mother and father, who met shortly after World War II while working at a clothing factory, were both survivors of the Holocaust; having endured life in concentration camps at the forefront.

Jerry Zabel: ‘My Way of Paying Back America’2024-08-24T22:06:38-05:00

Dr. Richard Lee: Chance, Leadership, and Pride


Dr. Richard Lee was sure of one thing as he shipped out for Vietnam in May of 1969. “I knew I was going to die,” he says with the calm, matter-of-fact assurance of a seasoned clinician accustomed to facing hard truths.

Dr. Richard Lee: Chance, Leadership, and Pride2024-08-24T21:12:59-05:00

Denise Kennedy: A Nurse in the Army


It was a childhood plagued with asthma and multiple hospital stays that first put the thought of nursing into Denise O’Leary Kennedy’s head. She saw so many nurses during those early years she couldn’t help but admire them.

Denise Kennedy: A Nurse in the Army2024-08-24T21:09:39-05:00

Ron Wills: Propelled to Serve


Ronald “Ron” Wills was born and raised in Saybrook, a small town in Central Illinois where Ron’s father farmed while his mother raised Ron, his brother and three sisters, and helped run the machinery with the best of them. 

Ron Wills: Propelled to Serve2024-08-24T21:04:57-05:00

Donald Clarke: Fighting for America


Donald Clarke was born near Boston in 1948 and grew up next to the Revere Beach amusement park and boardwalk. His family has a strong history of fighting for the United States.

Donald Clarke: Fighting for America2024-08-24T20:55:58-05:00
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